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Leads to:Detailed walkthroughAfter completing the first two NCR quests, ( and ), head to and talk to.The Great KhansThe are a group of violent and tough raiders that have a grudge against the. The can get them to cooperate by simply offering a truce to them.Colonel Moore will ask the Courier to destroy the Great Khans. One may accept the task, or reject it and take a more diplomatic approach.Following this conversation, travel to the Great Khans' base in then enter the, which is up a cliff on the right, and is the only non-tent building.From here one can attack Papa Khan in the longhouse. The other Khans present will become hostile. The Courier must then kill at least 15 other Great Khans to complete the quest.Alternatively, complete (this option is not available if you completed Oh My Papa before starting For the Republic, Part 2; see ).
Speak to Papa Khan in the longhouse, then talk to, who is sitting next to him. After speaking to him inside the building, go outside, and he will accost the player character, telling them that if they can convince influential members of the Great Khans to break the alliance with Caesar, they may convince Papa Khan to do so.
Accepting his offer begins the quest. Another resolution to Oh My Papa involves assassinating Papa Khan. The player character will need to talk to Colonel Moore first before doing this.After either killing all the Khans or completing Oh My Papa, return to Colonel Moore and inform her that the Khans are either destroyed, moving out of the Mojave, planning a suicide mission during the final battle, or willing to ally with the NCR.If the Great Khans agree to help the NCR and one has not spoken to Colonel Moore about it, then the Khans and NCR may fight each other.Completing this portion of the quest will earn the Courier Legion infamy, although possibly not enough to be demoted to shunned status.
Unable to complete 'For the Republic: Part 2' » Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:04 pm Can anyone help me with this, I know the battle of the Hoover Dam follows soon after you complete this quest and I would like to be able to get to it but it won't let me finish this quest. For the Republic, Part 2 is a main quest in Fallout: New Vegas. After completing the first two NCR quests, (Things That Go Boom and Kings' Gambit), head to Hoover Dam and talk to Colonel Moore.
It will also initiate the quest.The OmertasThis portion of the quest leads the player character through, Colonel Moore will inform the Courier about the and sends them to find out why they have been so silent lately. (If the player character is traveling with a companion and they bring them into Gomorrah or leave them outside, they will lose the weapons carried after exiting)CachinoSecretary at the NCR Embassy will direct the player character to see the. From here, one must speak to the receptionist, then to. After speaking with him, the Courier must find information to use against him.can be pickpocketed from him with a high-enough (or using a ). The journal can also be taken from Cachino's desk in his room in the. By talking to the receptionist, one may obtain a to Cachino's room for a fee of 300, free with a check of 8, or 200 caps with a Barter check of 55.Confront about the journal's contents.
He will tell the Courier information about the Omertas and recommend that they speak to. By passing a check of 60, one can convince Cachino to pay 200 caps. (The player character can tell Cachino to pay 100 caps in addition, afterward.)If the first leg of the quest is bypassed (by talking to secretary Liza O'Malley) and speaks to the receptionist directly, a bug may be introduced making it impossible to complete this quest. However, this can be countered by killing Clanden, or by talking to Colonel Moore who will ask about the Courier's progress with the Omertas.
Finding out what Clanden specializes in is a non optional objective after talking to Cachino, killing him fails the quest How Little We Know but allows this quest to progress.TroikeSpeak to and mention Cachino. From here convince Troike to help take down the Omertas. If the player character can pass a 80, he can to Troike to convince him (this will cause a loss of Karma). Troike will tell the player that he cannot help until his debt is settled with Big Sal. By a check of 45, or a, Big Sal can convinced to settle the debt. Another option is to go to in the and hack either the terminal, or pick the lock on the safe. The password to Big Sal's terminal can be pickpocketed from him.Eventually, Troike will suggest using to destroy the Omertas' weapons cache.
By passing a Speech check of 70, the Courier can convince Troike to plant the thermite. He will succeed, but he is caught by the Omertas and is killed, otherwise Troike will give the thermite to the player character to plant themselves.
The thermite is ignited using the detonator on the wall near the door to the weapons cache.Once this has been done, return to Cachino to report the destruction of the weapons.The BossesThe Courier will now be informed that they will have to 'deal with' the bosses of Gomorrah. By passing a check of 80, the player character can convince Cachino to take care of the bosses himself, otherwise, the player character will be supplied a to aid Cachino in a battle against the bosses.Alternatively, by passing a Speech check and then lying, the player can convince the bosses to attack each other. Once the bosses have been dealt with, return to Moore.Notes. Completing this part of the questline will cause, and to fail. If the Omerta leaders were killed during, this part of the quest can be avoided. If the Omertas have already been aided in their plan, there is a Speech check to lie to Moore and tell her that the Omertas plan to attack.
If one is unwilling to do this quest, simply kill Big Sal and/or Nero. This will complete this portion of For The Republic and award 275 XP. Return to Colonel Moore and lie about the Omertas plans (70 Speech). Be warned that all the Omerta thugs will turn hostile and attack the player. The bartenders and gamblers will also turn hostile, but they won't attack unless they are hit, instead they simply run around trying to hide. Killing the will award good Karma to the Courier while killing the gamblers, bartenders or the prostitutes will award bad Karma and also Strip infamy.Mr. HouseColonel Moore will advise the Courier that she wants out of the picture.Return to and take the elevator to the penthouse level, then use a terminal to the left of Mr.
House to open the antechamber. To do this the player character will need 75 Science, the (which can be found on Chief Hanlon's desk in or in ), or the.
Doing so will result in all the Securitrons in Mr. House's suite becoming hostile.
Upon completing this task will cause the quest to fail. However, if The House Always Wins II or beyond has been completes, then one elects to kill Mr. House for the sake of the For the Republic questline, Do not interact with Jane or Mr. House himself at any point before opening the antechamber door. Otherwise, NCR Infamy will be awarded. This can potentially cause For the Republic and Don't Tread on the Bear to fail. If the player character is fast enough they don't need to deal with the Securitrons.
For The Republic Fallout New Vegas Cheats
Also, once inside the antechamber, the terminal at the back on the right will allow one to perform a Security Override rendering the securitrons non-hostile.Enter the antechamber, and activate the terminal near the elevator to unlock the elevator to the control room. Activate the terminal in the control room, and choose to 'Unseal LS chamber' to expose Mr.
House's body. Go behind the terminal and speak with Mr. HouseReturn to the control room terminal and select an option.
Doing so will result in failing, and all options result in Negative Karma:. Disable Cerebral Interface: disconnect Mr. House, but keep him alive.
Kill Mr. House (note that if the player has the installed, doing this with a or will award 500 additional XP.)Take the elevator back to Mr. House's suite and return to Moore at the Hoover Dam. The Courier will receive 200 and gain NCR (The securitrons will no longer attack upon returning to the penthouse).Brotherhood of SteelTravel to the at. From here there are two routes, depending on the player characters reputation with the Brotherhood of Steel.Positive reputation with the Brotherhood of Steel. If has been completed, the Courier stayed on good terms with the Brotherhood, and remains Elder, a truce can be signed between the Brotherhood and the NCR.
Go to McNamara and tell him the NCR wants them destroyed, he will then offer a truce. Return to Colonel Moore and speak to her about the offered truce. Doing so will complete the quest and begin, but will earn the player minor with the NCR. This method should work if the player character has completed all main BoS quests as well. Note: If one chooses to help usurp McNamara, they will be unable to broker a treaty.It is possible that the player character will not be able to initiate dialogue with Elder McNamara if one is in between Still in the Dark. If this is the case one may need to exit the bunker and wait 2–3 days in order to be able to get any other dialogue than McNamara being 'too busy to talk'.No previous reputation with the Brotherhood of SteelIf the Courier has not interacted with the Brotherhood of Steel, they must go through an orientation by convincing, a ranger in an adjacent bunker to leave, or enter the bunker with in their party.
Alternatively, if one wishes to avoid going through the orientation to convince Dobson to leave, walk into the Brotherhood of Steel bunker, the doors will open. At this point, back up. As the Brotherhood of Steel member slowly walks toward the player character, it is possible to walk around the very large crates in the room and avoid talking to him. Then, walk straight down to the bunker. The Courier will still be confronted by the next knight however, but they will have all their gear and companions. Choosing to fight him will be easy if one has two companions.
Here it is possible to hack the terminal, making the turrets attack the BoS. Proceed to finish the rest of the BoS and take the keycards from 3 members (,.) This will allow the player character to set the bunker to explode (the knights who were supposed to be confronted, but avoided by going around the crates will no longer be outside when escaping). Killing the first knight along with others is also an option, albeit more challenging.Waiting until late at night will cause several Brotherhood paladins to spawn at which point a player character with even a moderately high Sneak skill can pick one.